The tidal flat wetland protection movement and JAWAN
Isahaya tidal flat |
Tidal flat protection groups from around Japan held a “National Tidal Flat Symposium” in 1975 at Shiokawa in Aichi prefecture ; this meeting confirmed the destruction and degradation of Japan’s coasts through landfill and other development, strengthened the national wetland protection movement, and promoted national surveys of birds and other species. National Tidal Flat Symposia were subsequently held in Chiba in 1976 and in Isahaya in 1977.
In 1989, the International Wetland Research Bureau (IWRB), Japan Committee, published “Inventory of Wetlands in Japan.”
Also in 1989, an “International Wetland Symposium” was held in Nagoya, which recognized the significance of the Ramsar Convention, and proposed formation of a national network, which was established at an International Wetland Symposium held in Isahaya in 1991. This was the start of Japan Wetlands Action Network (JAWAN).
JAWAN representatives have taken part as observers at all CoPs since (CoP5-CoP9). JAWAN is now extending its network to wetlands other than tidal flats.
Fujimae tidal flat |
JAWAN and other NGOs played a major role in securing the protection of
Fujimae tidal flat. JAWAN’s annual International Wetland Symposium
is also useful for attracting national attention to wetlands at the sites
where it is held.
JAWAN is particularly known for its ability to work with local NGOs, national NGOs, the government and others in the pursuit of realizing wetland conservation and wise use as defined by the Ramsar Convention.